I came across Draginol's article regarding the left's blinding hatred of our esteemed President today, and decided that it would be necessary to toss in my two coppers. I'm not really going to address his particular article specifically, as his article was simply the impetus for my considering my dislike for our President. I'd rather begin my stint here as a neophyte blogger as politely as possible. I think a little bit of information about myself will help in putting my opinions in the prop...
I promised myself I wouldn't stoop to such self-adulatory prose as a description of myself. Unfortuately, I have had the nasty habit of breaking promises to myself. At any rate, I have decided to say a little about myself, in case anyone out there on ARPA-Net... oh, sorry... on the web... cares. So without further ado, a wee bit about the author. My name is Dan. I'm 27, soon to be 28, and I am what you might call a lazy workaholic. Perhaps some of this stems from this latent perfectionism. I ...
As anyone who knows me will tell you, I happen to be an avid reader. In fact, when I'm not working or trying to stay in shape, you will usually find some sort of print media in my hands, with my nose buried somewhere within its pages. As such, I figured that perhaps if anyone is interested, I will provide an ongoing reading list of books that I either am currently devouring, or have recently digested. Hopefully, this list will provide for the readers out there an insight into who I am, and how I...
Having never really read a blog before tonight, nor being that excited about the prospect of a diary, the concept of me starting a blog more or less fell into my lap as I was reading some random article about the joys of blogging. So here I find myself, setting up my first web log. I will use this much as I would assume others out there use theirs: that is, a sounding board for myself. So if you are reading this, I appreciate your time, and hopefully I will be able to submit to you something wor...